Thursday, April 14, 2011

#2 Way to Help SLA: Go to Harrisburg

Go to Harrisburg with the School District of Philadelphia on April 26th to visit your state representatives and let them know how the budget cuts are affecting SLA.  Buses will leave from 440 N. Broad St. @ 7 am

Contact Deirdre Darragh at 215-400-5787 or for more information
Ms. Darragh has asked that SLA parents RSVP to her by FRIDAY afternoon (April 15) so they can order the right number of buses.  (And if we get enough SLA families, they'll try to get us our own bus!)

Please send Mr. Lehmann an email is you plan to take your child with you. You must fill out a permission form to take your child to Harrisburg. 

Find out who your state legislator is here

If you cannot go to Harrisburg, call their office and let them know how you feel about Governor Corbett's proposed budget.  You can also send your state legislators a letter.

Monday, April 11, 2011

#1 Way to Help Close SLA's Budget Gap: DONATE

Please help SLA's Home and School Association raise funds to help close the $430,000 gap that was cut from SLA's 2012 budget. Our goal is to raise $50,000 by July 31, 2011. Your contribution will help make this possible. If every current SLA family gave $100 toward this campaign, we would meet our goal. We know that these hard economic times mean that not all families can give that much, so we ask that all who can to consider giving as much as you possible can over and above the $100. You can pay all at once or monthly between now and July.

Please use a credit card below or mail in a check to SLA Home and School Association; please write "2012 Fundraiser" in the memo line. SLA Home and School Assn, 55 N. 22nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103

Make a one-time donation:

Make a monthly contribution:

Enter your monthly contribution:
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